

  1. Mic27 Nov 2012 @ 20:01

    What's the benefit of low latency version over C-Media panel if c-media panel has lower latency too ?


    • CarvedInside27 Nov 2012 @ 20:47

      Because it has no panel running in the background, less RAM is occupied, and there is also the fact that DPC is "guaranteed" to be low if there is a glitch in C-Media panel for example (untested circumstances or bug in a new version C-media Panel).

      On this subject, I will improve the Low DPC latency to provide access to C-media Panel as well.


  2. f00z28 Nov 2012 @ 03:18

    I tried the new 1.64 and it is still upmixing stereo to 5.1 , how to disable this? I unchecked the 're-enable upmix' when I installed. Using Xonar D2X, music sounds horrible upmixed like this. The other thing is that it didn't used to do it even with the original driver and it started doing it about 6 months ago; I hoped this would fix it but it didn't go away. Playing music files with VLC works great for example, but anything else like Pandora, youtube, etc. it always upmixes.


  3. Andromedoh29 Nov 2012 @ 02:44

    Can someone help me? I've been using these drives since they came out for my DX2 and they are great no complaints, but the latest driver makes my speakers pop if I pause then restart a video, game or any audio sauce.


    • f00z29 Nov 2012 @ 05:18

      You have to leave the control panel open to resolve this issue. I'm using DTS and the same thing happens unless I keep the panel open. It removes the DTS when there's no sound and then starts it back up again as soon as there is sound.


      • Andromedoh29 Nov 2012 @ 14:50

        Hmm I went back to previous version till this is fixed, thanks anyway f00z


        • CarvedInside30 Nov 2012 @ 01:44

          Which version is previous version? And if you have the time please try 1.63 drivers and see if the issue is there too.


  4. DPCLatencyWhy30 Nov 2012 @ 18:06

    Hey guys, I need some help regarding DPC latency. I'm getting erratic spikes even though I'm using the low DPC latency drivers. I've turned off all my onboard audio devices but to no avail. Here's a picture of what latencymon shows while my computer was idle for 12 hours. http://omg.wthax.org/latencymon.png
    It seems like cmudaxp.sys is the biggest culprit. Any idea on how I can get this fixed?


    • CarvedInside01 Dec 2012 @ 16:32

      But how is your latency with DPC latency checker?
      Check that , but make sure all effects and environment settings are disabled and that you didn't launched Asus Audio Center in that session.

      Do you have installed any of the Alexa's Xonar Addons ? They might also affect DPC latency.


      • DPCLatencyWhy02 Dec 2012 @ 00:11

        Ah. I see it now. Seems like Asus Audio Center was on. The DPC latency is still reaching 1500~ at times though with the latency checker.


        • CarvedInside02 Dec 2012 @ 18:12

          Are they are spikes (jumping from lets say 200us to 1500) or you generally have >1000us? Anyway if you followed the instructions here I don't think the audio drivers are that responsible for your High DPC latencies.

          If you haven't done so already, check the 4.Tips & tweaks in reducing DPC latency section from The case of DPC latency (Part 1)


          • DPCLatencyWhy03 Dec 2012 @ 01:24

            Yeah I tried the tips & tweaks already, not much of a difference. And they jump from 150~ to 1500+


            • Teax05 Dec 2012 @ 12:52

              I had a problem with spikes. Realtek Ethernet Controller was to blame. Thankfully, the latest drivers (from 2012/11/23) have fixed this issue.


              • DPCLatencyWhy07 Dec 2012 @ 04:33

                I updated the Ethernet Controller yesterday, still spiking randomly unfortunately.


  5. Andromedoh30 Nov 2012 @ 18:25



  6. Adrian03 Dec 2012 @ 21:07

    Hi everybody! Please let me know what is the use of Front Panel switch? Thx


    • CarvedInside04 Dec 2012 @ 16:45

      To switch the sound output from speakers (rear jack) to FP Heaphone (front jack). The option is present in Asus Panel but might be missing depending on OS in Cmedia Panel


  7. Zeeshan Choudhry04 Dec 2012 @ 20:50

    Hey guys,

    I can confirm that there was some bug with previous version(s), because I was also experiencing same issue for a quite a long time (I never selected Upmix option during install, because I hate it since XP). This time I did a clean install rather than upgrade and viola! Problem solved. So I recommend to do a driver cleaning then install 1.64.


  8. mergljoe05 Dec 2012 @ 13:30


    I would like to use your driver, but I have a question about it. In this driver can I set the microphone boost (in dB) somehow, because in the original driver I can not do this (the microphone is low), only there is an option: Microphone boost, but it does not help...


  9. Mic06 Dec 2012 @ 17:54

    it's possible that my left speaker suddenly became 2 times more louder? (or the right had became more quieter) ?
    with older version the right speaker sometimes didn't even work (at least now i have only to half left speaker volume..)
    i'm on latest 1.64 low latency version


    • CarvedInside08 Dec 2012 @ 16:30

      I've encounter a few other reports from ppl saying their left speaker has dropped (either lower volume or it became mute, can't remember). But this is not normal, I mean most of the Xonar owners never have this, and I suspect its because there are specific cards that do this, thus this being a hardware problem. Might want to consider RMA the card. You might consider trying to contact Asus about this.
      I wish I had more info about this but no one provided me with.

      Tell me which card do you have ,your motherboard and it chipset, your OS.


      • Mic09 Dec 2012 @ 15:16

        Xonar DX, windows 7 64 bit
        the mb is a really crappy Asus P5LD2-X/1333 (asus website says its chipset is an Intel 945GC)

        anyway, i THINK (and i hope too d:) that this is a software problem, because first with.. 1.53 driver (i'm not sure about the version) the right speaker become mute, while now it's only half volume


        • CarvedInside10 Dec 2012 @ 03:26

          I don't think they will fix it, if they did work on the problem it would be fixed and not just half of volume on the dropped speaker.

          Since you have the DX, if its more than 2 years old you can try :
          Don’t know if you did this, but there is a firmware update for DX PCIe PLX bridge. This fixes problems with incorrect assignment of sound to channels, reverse channels and some other things. If you are interested, go to Xonar DX download page from Asus site, select WinXP (and not win7), go to utilities and search for “PLX fireware update Ver 1.1″, download and install following the instructions.

          The PLX firmware fixed a lot of issues but I had no feedback of the speaker dropping.


          • Mic12 Dec 2012 @ 16:13

            Updated, thanks (my card however is only 8 months old)
            I'll see if i have more issues
            http://www.hwupgrade.it/forum/showpost.php?p=34634314&postcount=1913 this guy claims this fixed his problem...
            Hoping so...
            And keep going! your work is invaluable!


            • CarvedInside12 Dec 2012 @ 22:03

              Ok, let me know if it did the trick or not.


              • Mic24 Dec 2012 @ 20:42

                Unfortunately, yesterday, after a while, i picked up my headphone... and the audio was 100% left side and about 60% right side .-.
                Rebooting fixed all issues
                btw do you know why somedays my buddies on skype hear me REALLY low, while other days, even if i whisper they understand everything (and this should be) ?


                • CarvedInside26 Dec 2012 @ 16:31

                  Sorry to hear that.

                  Regarding Microphone, make sure that the checkbox "Automatically adjust microphone settings" in skype Audio Settings is not checked.
                  Another thing to try would be: Go to volume -> Recording devices -> Microphone Xonar card ->Proprieties -> Advance tab -> uncheck the two “Exclusive mode” options.
                  Let me know if any of these worked.


  10. buzzin9206 Dec 2012 @ 16:54

    Any chance of Linux support?


  11. Dave Druska (@d_drus07 Dec 2012 @ 01:27

    I have a Xonar DG and I find the 1800 series drivers are extremely glitchy. Sometimes my audio crashes and any applications using it become very laggy (waiting for the sound card to do something I guess) until I restart my PC. This is using C-Media Audio panel. 1796 drivers work fine.


    • CarvedInside08 Dec 2012 @ 16:37

      I don't remember someone else reporting this. Could be a real issue, or a glitch at that time you tried. Tell me which drivers did you tried (1.60, 1.61...?), you OS, and if you tried doing a driver clean like its detailed in the FAQ?


  12. Christian Gerefalk09 Dec 2012 @ 00:15

    Is there a way to "automate" switching between two sets of settings? I got a 5.1 speaker setup and a pair of headphones, I'm regularly switching between them and unticking S/PDIF and ticking dolby headphone and the reverse every time in the UI gets old, I wrote an AutoIt script for my previous sound card setup that switched which output was the default device, but the two devices my Xonar DX card gets using these drivers don't seem to be separate, one isn't speaker and the other headphones.

    Is there another solution to this? Ultimate solution would be to pipe 5.1 to the speakers and dolby headphone to the headphones all the time, that way I could just use the power button on my 5.1 receiver to "toggle" which I'm using.


    • CarvedInside10 Dec 2012 @ 03:21

      You can try customizing the autoit script from one of the the Standalone apps from here. Source code is included in the download. I recommend using source from "Acoustic Echo Cancellation enabler v1.0 .
      To know which names and values to use export 2 registry files with the settings (how to in the FAQ) you want, compare them and take only what its modified.


  13. Dr baem11 Dec 2012 @ 16:36

    Hi there,
    I have a strange issue with the drivers on my win7 64bit with xonar dg 5.1: the installation runs smooth(settings: cmedia panel without gx, asio driver, clean before install and xonar dg selected), windows detects the card without a problem and playing music (with foobar, etc.) claims, that there is an output but I cant hear anything. The proper output device is selected and the "normal" asus driver work fine. It looks like I just made a stupid mistake but I cant figure it out. Help would be much appreciated 🙂


    • CarvedInside11 Dec 2012 @ 20:40

      Install the drivers again (but uninstall the ones you have now). If it still does not work, do a driver clean like it is presented in the FAQ and try with previous versions of the drivers.


      • Dr baem11 Dec 2012 @ 20:55

        I tried the newest and the one that is considered to be stable. Both times with drivercleaning; also disabled the onboard soundcard.....I could give it one more try but I think I deinstalled all audio drivers properly.....I used the "normal" uninstall, clean.bat and driver sweeper
        btw I use the analog output
        With old version would you recommend to test?


        • CarvedInside11 Dec 2012 @ 23:53

          1.63 or 1.54. But since you already tried this 1.63 and doing a driver clean, I don't know what could be the problem.


          • Dr baem12 Dec 2012 @ 18:18

            Hi, thx for the advice!
            I tried UNi Xonar 1796 v1.53 first which worked but only the left speaker worked.
            UNi Xonar 1796 v1.54 seems to work fine (I think I left the asio options unticked)

            So a question regarding my config:
            apart from the hints in the faq, which options make sense for my needs, which would be:
            system: win7 64bit
            soundcard: xonar dg 5.1
            phones: akg 530

            personal preferences:
            I play games a lot and like clear sound (especially for classic) so I dont need to change my settings often.
            Everything else that matters to me: PERFORMANCE
            What Im not interested in: applying effects etc. to the sound

            So I guess the low dpc latency option + the hints mentioned in the faq should do the job? Or is there anything else I should pay attention to?

            anyway thx for your help and the cool driver!


            • CarvedInside12 Dec 2012 @ 22:11

              I have to say thats not normal behavior, any of the drivers should work fine. But at least you've managed to get it working with 1.54.

              Those settings are fine. Nothing else comes to mind.


  14. KaIIe11 Dec 2012 @ 18:29

    5.1 upmix still there after uninstalling the old drivers and installing these ones (had to install in Safe Mode, for some reason they just wouldn't install in normal use). Using Win 7 + Xonar DGX. Any help?


    • CarvedInside11 Dec 2012 @ 20:45

      If you use the following options: 2 channels and 5.1 speakers, then change them to 6 channels and 5.1 speakers.


      • KaIIe12 Dec 2012 @ 19:50

        Ah, forgot to mention that I'm using (stereo) headphones.


        • CarvedInside12 Dec 2012 @ 22:00

          If you are using stereo headphones then I don't know what you are talking about by "5.1 stereo upmix is still there", it makes no sense.


          • KaIIe14 Dec 2012 @ 16:35

            Here's a more detailed description then: it sounds like I have 5.1 sounds on, but I can only hear two channels (when using headphones). For example, in L4D2, I can't hear the sounds that are coming from the front or behind. Also, all voice communication is also coming from the "mute" center channel. And I can't hear any vocals in music as they're usually mixed to the center channel.

            Selecting stereo/headphones in a) Windows b) Xonar contron panel c) the games does nothing. I've tried almost all the settings but no help so far.


            • CarvedInside14 Dec 2012 @ 17:56

              Thats a different thing from (stereo to) 5.1 upmix. I don't know what the problem is, but maybe you are using the wrong settings, in your case set audio channels(system input) to 2, disable Dolby headphone, Dolby virtual speaker shifter and GX options if you have any of them set to enabled. Make sure Stereo is selected in (Windows) Speaker Setup . Select 2 channels in L4D2 audio proprieties.

              You had this problem with original drivers as well? Using the onboard soundcard in the same games sounds right compared to using DGX?


              • KaIIe15 Dec 2012 @ 12:58

                Everything is disabled or set to 2 channels. I had this problem with the original drivers as well, so I decided to try these (with no luck, apparently).

                The onboard sounded right the last time I tried it, but for some reason now it says that my headphones are not plugged in (but they are); only S/PDIF is giving out any sound.

                Looks like I'll have to start using my speakers instead of headphones for gaming...

                Update: got the onboard audio working after reinstalling the drivers, duh. But it would appear to be suffering from the same problem.


  15. mspl11 Dec 2012 @ 22:26

    I noticed one thing with Xonar cards. Not really a problem, but still kind of "weird" after being used to x-fi behavior. Namely - if I set input speaker (and thus windows speaker) configuration to e.g. 2 channels (under win7 64bit), and use e.g. any player outputing 7.1 or 6.1 channel - it will be both downmixed and normalized (no other card or onboard sound I recall does the normalization) to 2 channels first before any further processing.

    While this is (in context of xonar) broken setup - I was wondering if there is a way to turn off - or - control the normalization part.



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