

  1. Denis07 Oct 2016 @ 08:31

    hello, i have a question for you; i use a essence stx with asio in audio production, the last version for the stx, installed with the 1.80 r3 is ASIO; this version get great quality but lots of problems with latency;
    then i found that the STXII version has asio version with different dll name (not cmasiop.dll and cmasiopx.dll but cmasiostxii.dll and the x64 one); tried to change the name and replace it both respectively on windows/drivers and wondows/wow64, but don't work;
    so i found over the net a cmasio version that it work very good compared with the .12 one; just the asio pannel don't work, but with sequencers the latency has been improved alot.. i wanna ask you if there is a way to get the work with the essence stx, or also if it is possible to get the asio pannel working with the version too; thanks Denis


    • CarvedInside08 Oct 2016 @ 01:05

      Hello. From where you got the cmasiop You could try the ASIOConfig to see if you can access the ASIO panel.
      I wasn't able to make ASIO driver to work with standard drivers. If you want the you should install the v1.80b drivers. You can install them on STX card by installing them with Disable Driver Signature Enforcement method or the Test Mode method. If perform better you can try the v1.75b drivers.


      • Denis08 Oct 2016 @ 20:25

        thanks, im testing the 1.80b with the right now, work flawesly, they perform as good as the .13, and so better than the .12 for sure; the only difference is that the asio pannel can be set just till 24bit instead 32bit like the .13, .12.. (i know the card its supposed to be 24bit, but don't know if it can get real benefits setting at 32bit); at firsts tests seems that the 1.80b drivers are balanced bit different in wdm compared to the last 1.80a, can be? seems more spatialized, bit more bass and maybe less high equalized frequencies, but i have to test it better; however i found the cmasio on a russian forum, where some users complain about some problems with the .12 with latency too,also with >40ms compared with the .10 asio where they can go with no problem till 10ms latency, but it has not the same quality as the; then an user shared all the cmasio dlls from till the .13;


        • CarvedInside09 Oct 2016 @ 20:43

          Without messing with files you could install v1.75b driver that has ASIO driver and see if you have access to 32-bit bit-depth. Using a 32-bit bit-depth output might be useful only if you would play 24-bit audio files. At the moment I'm not sure if setting a 32-bit bit-depth would be beneficial if the card is hardware capable of only 24-bit playback. If you are playing 16-bit audio files then a bit-depth output of 24-bit is sufficient. You can find a explanation here.
          Generally speaking, according to RMAA DirectSound tests there aren't major differences between the v1.80a and v1.80b drivers.


          • Denis10 Oct 2016 @ 03:55

            thanks for answer, usually i set asio 32bit, cause my daw work internal at that bitdepth; as now i need to remain on the last 1.80b, cause it's sound different to the 1.80a, i can clearely hear that, and i have my ears habitued to that precise sound; anyway i found that with thoose 1.80b the asio work well with the x64 dll, but it is not recognised the x86(32bit) dll; example i can work in fl studio x64 with the, but asio wont work with that version in sound forge which still is at 32bit; so as now i mixed the cmasio dlls with the latest 1.80b drivers (.13 for x64, .12 for x86);; still don't understand why thoose problems when changin the dlls versions, since i saw that the both ddls don't work with the 1.80b drivers but do so good with the 1.80a


          • ujh27 Nov 2016 @ 16:10

            hi, where can i find those tests? just curious to read em out!


  2. Holger08 Oct 2016 @ 13:24

    Hello there

    I have an Asus Essenxe STX. 6 days ago i bought a complete new PC (build myself, single components) but kept my asus soundcard and my PC case. So, after installing a fresh win10 version and getting my pc ready, i noticed that my flacs won't playback fine as before. I noticed cracking sounds I never heard before in that track. I used different media player to check. Yesterday I even got 2 bluescreens while playing Battlefield 4 with the destination "cmudaxp.sys". I dont know excactly what the problem is, because before I build my new PC I also used the actual Win10 Version (1607) and had no sound issues at all. I already disabled my onboard sound controller (thought maybe this produces the crackling sound) but this didnt helped.

    After researching the internet I found this site. The Asus driver are extremly old and just beta status. Maybe I should use your driver. Can you please tell me, which version I have to download and what do I have to install to have something similar to the Xonar Essenxe STX Audio Center? (I am from germany, so please forgive wrong spelling 😉


    • gokmen09 Oct 2016 @ 08:38

      Battlefield have EAX-openal so..it sounds like GX is on. I'd try installing low-latency or non-GX version of drivers. But, carvedInside can reply it better since he knows what cmudaxp.sys file is for.


    • CarvedInside09 Oct 2016 @ 20:27

      gokmen advice is good. The blue screens could be caused by the GX feature. To completely disable GX, install the UNi Xonar drivers with "Low DPC Latency" or "C-Media Panel" configuration. If you need the Asus Audio Center, it is accessible from Start Menu->All Programs->UNi Xonar. You should try with v1.80a and v1.80b.


      • Holger10 Oct 2016 @ 15:53

        Thanks for the answers. I just installed the 1.80a (thought b is just for stx II). Since then I experienced no more crashes in Battlefield. So, your driver seems to fixed this issue. Sadly I hear many cracks and pops in my FLACs as also in movies (MPC). I already read that this is a windows 10 problem. I definitely didnt have the problem with my old pc, where i updated windows 10 also to the actual build... Any fix possible? Or any ideas why this happens? Onboard-Sound is complete disabled.


  3. David09 Oct 2016 @ 22:13

    Hi guys!

    I have external amp which I want to connect to my Xonar DG. How to do it? Is there any way to disable built-in amp? My AMP has 2RCA->3.5mm jack. Any instruction on how to set this all up?


    • CarvedInside09 Oct 2016 @ 23:12

      You connect it to the 3.5mm jack output at the back of the card. In order to bypass the headphones AMP just have "2.0 Speakers" set as Analog Output.


  4. Smyle12 Oct 2016 @ 21:39

    I installed anniversary update like 2 weeks ago, and since that I'm suffering freeze issues badly when I leave PC for a while. Now I got BSOD related cmudaxp.sys which belongs to C-Media Audio Driver (WDM)


    • Smyle07 Nov 2016 @ 14:07

      I got 2 BSOD yesterday, and today instantly, after waking up PC from sleep state. cmudaxp.sys (C-Media Audio WDM Driver) - DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL


  5. Sam13 Oct 2016 @ 08:16

    Has anyone ever run into a problem with loud static blaring at random when starting videos, whether it be streaming from a browser or on a video player?

    I have a Xonar DX that's had that problem a few times and I read it's a problem with the C-Media chip. Any ideas? I've been using the UNI drivers for a while, but it seems like it can happen with any driver including official. I just had it happen after a long period without problems and it nearly gave me a heart attack.


    • CarvedInside14 Oct 2016 @ 00:38

      Check the FAQ Q&A 18.


      • Sam14 Oct 2016 @ 00:55

        Thanks. I guess with an ASUS motherboard and Windows 10 it's a double whammy. Do you think the static could damage a headphone amp somehow? I'm thinking of doing as suggested in the FAQ and getting an amp to control volume and set everything to 100 in Windows. And should I set both windows and Xonar driver volumes to max?


        • CarvedInside16 Oct 2016 @ 05:09

          There are 2 volume controls for Xonar cards, the Windows Volume that can also be controlled from Asus Audio Center and there is an additional volume control for the Xonar cards. This additional volume control is set by LEFT and RIGHT channel sliders that are under ASUS Audio Center->Mixer->Playback. I haven't experienced myself this loud static noise so I don't know how loud it actually is, if it's: 1) 100% Windows Volume or 2) 100% Windows Volume + 100% Xonar additional volume. Based on that you set the volume.
          As for headphone amp damage, at least in case 1 I don't see any reason why it would cause damage.

          If you go with the headphone amp, let us know how it goes.


          • Sam18 Oct 2016 @ 06:20

            Do you know if there's anyway to recreate the static manually, so to speak? I haven't picked an amp yet but I'm trying to see if I can recreate the problem, but no such luck. I disabled Intel SpeedStep for the winter and I feel like I haven't experienced it since then but maybe I'm just lucky, or unlucky since I want to recreate it.


            • CarvedInside19 Oct 2016 @ 09:32

              From what I've read some people triggered it when skipping through videos on youtube.


              • Sam20 Oct 2016 @ 01:02

                I've been trying that quite a bit, as well as skipping through MPC-HC, which was another problem program in my experience. I can't seem to get it to trigger.


  6. DM13 Oct 2016 @ 11:49


    Two ASIO drivers show for the STX II, ASUS Xonar ASIO driver (64) and Essence STX II ASIO (64), win7 64 bit, 1.80b. I don't notice any difference between both.

    - Are these ASIO drivers the same? If not, which one would you recommend for this card?
    - Are your recommended settings still applicable for this card under an "optimal" windows audio output scenario? (24 bit 10ms, 24bit 44/48khz)
    - Under headphone output, would you recommend 2 speaker output with Dolby Pro Logic IIx or 6/8 speaker with dolby headphone and 7.1 virtualization?
    - Would you recommend disabling the subwoofer and center speaker for accurate spatial positioning?

    I'd like to sincerely thank you and your team because I've used a DX for over 7 years exclusively with your drivers. Thanks again.


    • CarvedInside14 Oct 2016 @ 00:17

      1) "ASUS Xonar ASIO driver(64)" is the name from the UNi Xonar drivers. "Essence STX II ASIO (64)" is probably a leftover ASIO component registration from previous drivers, probably you've installed the original drivers first. Most likely both point to the same ASIO driver component. Did you install the UNi Xonar drivers with driver cleaner option enabled?
      2) I think so.
      3) I'm not a fan of 7.1 virtualization. Games can have a very good spatial positioning sound on 2.0 channels. If you are not happy with how a game handles the spatial positioning sound then you could try Dolby 7.1 virtualization. Dolby Pro Logic IIx feature is for S/PDIF stereo upmixing feature, this would not be good for spatial positioning.
      4) Don't know.


      • DM19 Oct 2016 @ 19:09

        Thanks for the reply. I managed to remove the original ASIO driver through an OS format. Otherwise the driver cleaner wouldn't remove it.

        Xonar DX connected to an amplifier had options to ouput analog 8 channels on a headphone. The STX II only has rear speakers and headphones, besides the usual FP. Clearly it's intended as an audiophile card rather than a DTS and surround processing station, it's just interesting to point that out.

        I'm not a fan of 7.1 virtualization either, however I'm quite sure that Dolby Pro Logic IIx is reproduced accurately using six channels with dolby headphone.

        From Dolbys website: "When combined with Dolby Pro Logic® II, Dolby Headphone can transform content from a two-channel (stereo) source into surround sound for a richer listening experience."

        The sound is really good in that representation, I'd really recommend it. I asked a question on the virtualization because I wanted to know whether I could use 5.1 surround while using the rear speakers to output indpendently another source of audio, but it's all good!

        In a true hifi setting, the audio is unsurpassed esp. upgraded with 3x Muses 02 opamps.

        Thanks Carved and all my best. Regards


  7. ujo13 Oct 2016 @ 12:01

    All of the sudden after some Windowes updates last month both recommended and latest version crash on my PC every restart (Win 7) and boot time takes forever now. E.g. I clean up driver remains as described here for detailed cleaning and reinstall, and then on the restart PC boots 5 - 15 minutes minutes and driver works, but after next restart the system icon for changing bitrate and latency is gone and I cannot bring it back, driver's not working anymore. Is there a way to solve this so I don't have to reinstall the driver whenever I need to change bitrate and latency for recording? Do you know which Windows update as of late makes driver crash?

    Card is D2


  8. Casodi24 Oct 2016 @ 19:25

    Hi. Could you tell me if these drivers would work fine if I had two xonar products connected like a D2 and a U3?


  9. Kurogane26 Oct 2016 @ 04:44

    Hi. I've a problem, i got pitch/click or whatever is call on my speakers when start a sound is very annoying


  10. Justin27 Oct 2016 @ 06:48

    Hi, so starting today I have been getting bsod with the error cmudaxp.sys. Then after it restarts the pc doesn't recognize the sound card until I fully shut down the pc and then boot back up. Though everything is all good at that point 5 mins later I get another bsod with the same error. I have a Xonar DG with the latest Uni Xonar low latency driver and Xonar switch installed. I have already tried reinstalling the driver but I still get the bsod. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing this and if there is a fix? Thanks.


    • Justin27 Oct 2016 @ 23:28

      I might have fixed it by opening the Xonar audio center and C Media audio panel and turning GX on and back off in both. Then i did the reinstall again by running the Uni uninstaller and then using driver fusion, restarting my pc and reinstalling the low dpc driver. I didn't get a bsod for as long as i was on my pc last night which was for a few hours. I hope that was all that was wrong and i will see tonight.


    • CarvedInside29 Oct 2016 @ 16:57

      Hi. Your OS? If you are on Windows 10 you might try to uninstall recent Windows updates and see if one of those wasn't the problem. If you do this, temporary disable the “Windows Update” service from Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services.
      If that was not the problem, you should try the card in another PC.


      • Justin30 Oct 2016 @ 11:43

        Thanks for the reply I'm on Windows 10 64bit Anniversary Update. I tried those troubleshooting steps already but nothing fixed the issue. I found out what causes the bsod the most for me and it seems to be a software conflict of sorts. It's the voice program Discord and any Blizzard Entertainment video game (mainly World of Warcraft) running at the same time with headphones and a microphone plugged into the front or rear ports. If I unplug the headphones and microphone or keep Discord off it seems to go a long time without bsod. It eventually does though so that can't be the only thing.

        I use Discord and Blizzard Entertainment games everyday so I can't really just not use them. I only use stereo at 24 bit 44.1 and no virtual effects in anything. At this point I don't think this is worth the hassle. I got a lot of use out of the Xonar DG and it was cheap so I'm not out much. It's about time I upgrade to something higher quality. If down the line something changes I'll use the Xonar DG on another pc but for now I'm going to buy a external USB DAC/Amp combo and use the onboard for my microphone. Thanks all.


  11. CodenameMozart28 Oct 2016 @ 02:24

    I've been having an issue for a while now where one of my speakers (front right specifically) in my 5.1 setup will be much fainter than the other ones. Is this a known issue with the drivers with any way to fix? Or more likely a problem with my speakers?


  12. daggerfall28 Oct 2016 @ 11:23

    It's very strange, cmedia released buggy unusable driver for windows 10? I'm using UNi driver modification for a very long time with windows 7 on D1 and DGX card, I have no problems with it, but I have PC where win7 works not so smoothly. I wanted to ask is windows 8.1 driver have any different from win 7 driver? Rumors says win 8 have different audio core.
    I found many references to cmudaxp.sys BSOD on windows 10, is it users with their hands or just another buggy driver? Maybe someone have experience with asus driver or other mods?
    Justin is this is clean installation of win10 au 1607? Or maybe BSOD's like this linked on conflicts with Realtek audio enabled in BIOS and they use the same resources and IRQ.


    • CarvedInside29 Oct 2016 @ 16:50

      It's hard to figure what you comment is about exactly. Is you comment a reply to Justin? Then redo you command using use reply button floating on the right of the comment you are replying to. If it's part general and part a reply to Justin then split it into two. Thanks.


  13. RodB31 Oct 2016 @ 04:36

    I have a Essence STX and installed this driver , in my audio center Analog out drop down I dont have the option for 5.1 , I only have 2 Speakers , Headphones, FP Headpones , FP 2 Speakers .

    Why dont I have the 5.1 option ?



    • CarvedInside01 Nov 2016 @ 22:42

      The STX card does not have 5.1 analog output. You can get 5.1 analog output if you buy a Xonar H6 addon card.


      • Khiet05 Nov 2016 @ 02:41

        I have the same problem. No 5.1 output to my receiver. I used to be able to do the 5.1 passthrough before to my receiver. Any suggestion?

        I am thinking to downgrade win 10 to win 7 because of this problem but it seems too much hassle. I only do it if it is the last chance.



        • CarvedInside05 Nov 2016 @ 21:07

          You don't have the same problem. RodB is complaining about missing 5.1 analog output. Regarding your problem, you should try different driver versions (1.80a, 1.80b and 1.75a) and see if 5.1 passthrough works with any of them.


  14. Yegor02 Nov 2016 @ 06:45

    I decided to reinstall the driver and got a blue screen of death (reinstallation cause "BSOD system service exception" *C-Media* cmudaxp.sys), but when I try to reinstall, appears "BSOD Driver Verifier Detected Violation"...Windows 10 PRO x64 with Anniversary Update. What me do?Help)


    • Cody05 Nov 2016 @ 13:55

      Windows 10 anniversary seems to be the issue here.
      BSOD in certain games(Overwatch), while in others(Skyrim) my sound device stops outputting audio until reboot.
      Any news on a fix? it's too late to roll back and I have tried most other driver versions but the issue persists.


      • CarvedInside05 Nov 2016 @ 21:12

        I don't think you have the same issue as Yegor as he gets BSOD when he tries to install the drivers.
        Assuming you already installed the drivers with "Low DPC Latency" or "C-Media Panel" configuration then I don't have a fix.


  15. MeeJay07 Nov 2016 @ 15:26


    Will you make a fix for Windows 10 Anniversary in the future ? I have buy the Essence STX II 7.1 and Asus is unable to give me a proper support to make it working on this windows Edition, so I have try your drivers, but the Analog doesn't work, only S/PDIF 🙁


    • CarvedInside13 Nov 2016 @ 18:31

      Hi. It's unclear if you have a problem with analog output working with both ASUS and UNi Xonar drivers or just UNi Xonar drivers. Please clarify this.
      Which driver version have you installed?



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